Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Blogging dilemma... putting my faith where my fingertips are...

So here I am blogging again... wow... amazing that I have done it what? two days in a row now? I have been enjoying trying to figure out how to customize it a bit... probably spending more time... no... I KNOW spending more time on it than I should.

Here's the dilemma though: my interest in blogging got rekindled when a bunch of my XBox Live gaming buddies (most of whom I have known since the beta days, what.. 3 years ago already?) decided to start posting and linking their blog addresses. So I have been in the process of going through all of them and adding them. But... some of the content on some the other sites makes me a bit uncomfortable, especially given my own personal Christian beliefs and personal "fleshly" weaknesses which I consciously try to avoid. I have family that pops by here, as well as possibly other friends from other circles of life. The last thing I want to do is be a negative witness to others or damage my own integrity by ignoring my faith and my conscience and convictions to avoid those things. I know my weaknesses and know where I fail if given the chance. All my mind needs is a "foot in the door" and the search for "more" will be on. The lessening of my standards will begin AGAIN. I have to fight and scratch twice as hard to get them back every time. It is just exhausting.

Ya'll have to understand that trying to walk the Christian walk in today's world is TOUGH, and I have to make conscious efforts to avoid things that I know make me fall. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14... "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." In other words, it is a whole lot easier to mess up your Christian walk than it is to stay on track. So sometimes you step on a few toes when you do in your efforts. As such, there were some that I simply did not feel comfortable listing just now given some of the content. You may feel I am being a prude and stickler or whatever, but I gotta go with my convictions. No, I am not condemning anyone. Each man in this world has their own decisions to make, and it is not my place or desire to judge them, since I have so many weaknesses myself - I am in no way blameless in this world. That is hypocritical and definitely not a Christian way of thinking (though way too many Christians today ARE too judgmental).

Hope ya'll will understand why I did this, and why I had to talk about it here. Heck, for all I know, my discussion here (and what will be a theme of this blog - my faith) will likely turn some of my friends off and they'll remove me from their links list. I respect and understand this. If any of you need to contact me about this more... you know where to find me.


My Christian "Mantra"... Colossians 3:2... Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.


Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

Wow, someone with convictions who actually backs them up with actions! It's been a while since I've seen such a thing. It's your dime, so link to who you want to, and drop who you don't. None of this are doing it for anything other than fun, so if they get their knickers in a twist because they're not getting linked to, it has officially stopped being fun and they should probably through in the towel.

Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

Er, I meant throw in the towel. It's early and I'm very, very tired.

LSG said...

HG, you do what you gotta do. And if you feel you have to remove mine, too. Feel free. I totally understand. :)

I support ya.

Frontallobe said...

I for one congratulate you for being so bold. To each his own HG and being upfront with your friends couldn't be any more christian in my book. Nicely said.

Mister Bones said...

"It's your blog and you can link who you want to, link who you want to, link who you want to..."

I'm with LSG, if there's something in mine that's offensive to you or anyone else for that matter, feel free to leave me a negative comment and then remove me from your list! I'm planning on trying to keep it clean though.

Headgamer said...

Thanks for the kudos folks. And please do not censor your blog! If I expected ya'll to do that I'd be no better than any of the other people out there that give Christians a bad name. Ya'll post away! Its your blog! But again, thanks!