Thursday, August 25, 2005

I hate Thursdays...

So here it is, 8:00 pm. On Thursdays I see patients from 8:00 am til 8:00 pm. Except since I am too busy to book out time for paperwork, I have to do that in off hours. So I have actually been here since 7:00 am. I know I don't get sympathy from some of you folks who have to do 12 hour shifts and such, and my job clearly is not physically draining, but let me tell you. This job can be amazingly emotionally and mentally draining. Nothing like hearing people's pain and frustration and sadness and depression and whatever-else-you-can-think-of for 12 hours to wear you down. I am just glad I am a guy and good at that whole "compartmentalization" thing, where I can leave it here and not drag it home. Sorry. Just had to vent.

Speaking of home. I am going there now.


Silver said...

That rocks man! Glad you're able to keep that sort of separation there, so it doesn't affect you in your personal life.

Frontallobe said...

I think this has to be one of the hardest jobs emotionally. My hats off to you. I know I do not have the strength for this job. It's great that there are people like you out there!