Monday, July 31, 2006

Florida movies no longer hosted...

For anyone that would want them (and I imagine the people that want them already have them), the movies I made from our Memorial Weekend Florida trip are no longer hosted online. If you want them just email me at headgamer @ (remove spaces)....


Promise Keepers 2006: Unleashed!

Well, I just got back from the Promise Keepers event in Atlanta this past weekend. It was awesome! The event this year was titled "Unleashed" and it as all about your heart. God has a plan for you - a script if you will - written on your heart before you were even formed. He believes wholeheartedly in your ability to fulfill His plan for you, but you have to discover that heart, and unleash God's power within that plan. The scary part for us is to say 'yes' to God's will for us before we even know what it is. God's will is not activated UNTIL we say yes. He wants our devotion to him - our total devotion to him - before that power within us is unlocked and unleashed. Our biggest obstacle is ourselves and our doubt in us. Just like when Peter got out of the boat and began walking on the water toward a waiting Jesus, he did not begin to sink until he began to doubt HIMSELF.

Regardless of our past, regardless of your present, God still has a plan for you. He sent you here for a reason and purpose regardless of the parents or circumstances that he sent you THROUGH.

There was so much more to the event than that, but my feelings get so mixed up it is hard to put it all into words.

Some of my favorite things from PK this year:

I always enjoy the speakers, but particularly this year enjoyed Bob Reccord, Bishop Joseph Garlington, and my favorite from all my PK events, Dan Seaborn. Don't know 'em? Google 'em and look them up.

The music was amazing as usual. It is the speakers through which I learn and grow, but it is through the worship band and singing the I experience PK and God's love for me and fellowship with other Christian men.

Some of my favorite concepts/quotes:

  • Sometimes we get so busy doing for God that we forget the God for whom we are doing it. ~Bob Reccord
  • You activate the will of God by saying yes to it. ~Bishop Joseph Garlington
  • You must forgive and release your heritage and move on... what gets buried alive stays alive. ~Bishop Joseph Garlington
  • Misery is God getting you ready for what he has ready for you. ~Bishop Joseph Garlington
  • If you are feeling uncomfortable, you are probably in the right place. ~Rick Kingham
  • (Dan Seaborn's whole talk! Too much to quote...LOL)

Overall, yet another wonderful experience. It is wonderful to get together with thousands of Christian men and realize your potential and admit to our weaknesses and revitalize your walk with Christ.

And finally, for y'all who know me and live near me:

Mobile, Alabama.
June 29-30, 2007.
Be there.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

The dry spell is coming to an end!

Well I finally have a light at the end of the tunnel!

We've finally set a date for Kel and the boys to head back home from Oklahoma! It's already been three weeks since they have been gone, and I got two more before they start heading back. But heck, that's a whole lot better than a week and a half ago when we didn't know WHEN they were gonna be able to head home (if y'all remember they started out visiting family, but then Kelly ended up having to stay for an extended period to help take care of her mom and her broken-in-three-places ankle).

They are heading back 7/17... And here's how we got it settled....

Kelly is an amazing woman, but the poor thing is getting completely worn out. Of course she is out there with our three boys which are a handful in themselves. But man it does not end there. Her family exists in a delicate balance out there, and if one thing goes wrong, the entire "Boles mobile" gets out of whack...Kelly's youngest sister, Karline, and her husband own a convenience store out there. For the longest time they worked the store together and got help from Kel's mom and a neighbor's wife. All shifts got covered fairly well. Plus, Kel's older sister helped take care of Karline's 3 kids (she also has a 4th - a 2 month old infant) while she was at the store. Richard is a CPA in an accounting firm there now, so he has little time to help at the store now. Merline, of course, is laid up for at least 6-8 weeks with her surgically repaired ankle. Evelyn (the neighbor's wife) is no longer able to help as she is having to care for her husband who is in failing health. And Kim just took a night shift hotel manager position. So that left poor Karline to run the store from open to close with her infant there with her the whole time..... and all three of the older kids.

That's where Kelly came in. She Restored Balance to the Force.

For the last three weeks Kelly has had primary caretaking roles for our three boys, 2 nephews, 1 niece, 1 mother, 1 household, and meals for everybody. Oh, and when everybody falls asleep? She gets online to take care of all our office management and billing tasks she does for the office (I'm dumb and just work there - she is the only one who knows how to do all that). Oh, and during the day while she is taking care of the family, she is on the cell talking to insurance companies for my patients for the week.

Like I said, she is an amazing woman. But she has her limits.

Every time I talk to her she sounds more and more tired. Early last week, she asked me, "You think your parents would watch the kids overnight for one night so you and I can just get away for a night? I really need some time with you."

For Kelly to ask for someone to watch the kids overnight (something I have always pushed for but she has always been reluctant about), I knew she needed some alone time with me to recharge when she gets back. You don't have to twist my arm real hard to make plans for an overnight getaway with my lovely wife! As an added bonus, this gave us the chance to make reservations which would give her a definite time to be home.

So, when I get off work on Friday 7/21 at noon, we're heading out to Dahlonega, Georgia (north end of Georgia in the mountains) to a little bed and breakfast called Mountain Laurel Creek. Specifically, we're staying in the The Laurel Suite. As you can see, it has plenty of room for just relaxing, among other things... No other plans. No plans for dinner reservations, or sightseeing, or whatever. Just time alone to relax and recharge. And just to add a bit of fun with it, I rented us a convertible for the weekend. Just a little extra to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

As much fun as the weekend will be, the thing I am looking forward to most is just having my wife home.

15 days and counting til they come home....