Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Same Routine

The same routine. Another morning, and the same, boring, tedious routine. In fact, this had been the same routine Marcus had gone through religiously for the last 17 months. He breathed and whispered in that groggy tone of his, “Well, at least one thing is different. The halo is gone now.” And with that mantra, he grabbed his legs and swung them over the side of the bed. Reaching for the wheelchair, he half hoisted/half threw himself into the seat and wheeled himself down the hall to start the coffee.

“Vanilla Nut or Columbian Mocha, Sig?”

Sigmund, Marcus’ Golden Retriever, just sat wagging his tail, heedless of the question.

“Vanilla Nut it is then. Good choice.”

Even before he made it back down the hall toward the bathroom, he could smell the hazelnut drifting through the house. The smell of coffee alone was enough to get him going, as much as he could at 5:00 am on a Monday morning. But he knew he was going to have to have more than coffee to get through today. It was going to be his first day back to work since the accident.

He made it to the shower, reached in and got the water at just the right temperature to barely scald his body (he had come to appreciate extreme sensations since half his body sensed nothing any more), stripped, and maneuvered his body over to the stainless steel bench in his shower. Now thinking about it, sensations did come flooding back to him as he soaked under the steaming water. The fact that he did indeed have some sensation on the soles of his feet was a bittersweet notion, since the only sensation he had (or ever would have according to his neurologist) was that of thousands of needles stabbing his foot. The hot water helped the feeling subside after a while though. But then the smells came flooding back. Like the smell of wet metal as the water used to run across the screws of the halo attached to his skull, running down his face, across his cheeks, and off his chin. The smell of Ben-Gay. The smell of bed sores. He sat, for what seemed like hours with his eyes closed reliving the events of the accident and his rehabilitation efforts for the last year and a half. This was something he had done daily since that day in September. As he thought, muscles started involuntarily flexing and tensing, pain began searing through his forehead, and tears began to well up, hidden under the water running down his face...

His morning flashback ritual was shattered by the sound of the alarm on the coffee maker. He was both relieved and angered by this. The relief of avoiding yet another reliving of the accident was mixed with the anger arising from the compulsive drive to force himself through the events of that day again and again, looking for answers, looking for what went wrong, looking for what he could have done differently. He hurriedly finished his shower, realizing he had been sitting in the shower for nearly an hour. The daily rituals of ointments, medications, and annoying dressing habits were only absent mindedly done as they had become instinct to him.

Wheeling himself down to the kitchen, he grabbed his coffee and headed out to work. Crossing the hall to his office, he pulled himself up to his desk, flipped the switch on his PC, and said, “Welcome back to the working world, Marc.”

Well, that's the first stuff that popped in my head. Stay tuned.


Boy, now THAT didn't last long!

Following my last post, I indeed started writing. Just throwing something on screen in an effort to move past that "I would like to do this but probably never will" thing. My wife sees the last blog entry last night and asked me about it. When I tell her the idea I have had in my head (told her about it years ago actually) she comes back with, "Wasn't that the basic premise of a movie we saw?"

She then kicks in her better-than-elephant-super-computer-archive memory, and seconds later says, "Yeah. Don't you remember? It was a movie called Copy Cat with Sigourney Weaver, I think." Of course, my memory being the sieve that it is, don't. In fact, I still do not think I have ever seen the movie, though she swears I must have since she never watches any movies without me. Anyway, look it up if you want details. Suffice it to say, she was right.

Reality 1, Sean 0

So, I still want to use the basic premise I have (psychologist protagonist...hmmm... wonder how I came up with that one? LOL), but will need to work out new plot/character ideas. It is all good I guess, since to write about the other idea I had I would have had to research a lot about networking/hacking/the underground scene. Not something I really had the time or interest in doing.

But this brings me to another point: Was it really my idea, or did I really see that movie, thinking it was a great plot idea, and over time slowly turn the movie into my idea? Interesting notion. And not one I like to think about. Because if you consider that as a truth or at least a possibility, then you really have to begin to wonder how many of your ideas really are your ideas. Oh well, that is more of a philosophical idea than my brain is used to, so I will stop on that note and let you talk amongst yourselves.

I will post what I have as a start, but it really isn't enough to give a decent character introduction. So it will have to wait a bit.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

So I'm thinking about writing...

So I was over at Pete's blog, and noticed an entry about ANOTHER blog where much of it is used for writings, such as poetry, short stories, and such. I have had an idea in my head for a book for a long time - a basic framework, mind you, that's it - but have never even bothered trying to begin writing. I am much like my mother in this respect. She has a talent for writing, but poor self-esteem about her writing abilities. She has started so many books and short stories over the years, only to abandon them due to being down on herself and her ability. She has gone so far as to have "requirements" that are what are preventing her from writing. First, it was a computer. So my dad got her one. She didn't use it. Was scared of it. So then she said she just needed a good typewriter. he got her one. She didn't use it. Not until the death of her father (who also wrote a lot and bordered on genius, insane...but that is another entry another day) did she get motivated, and started writing WITH PEN AND PAD...LOL

Anyway, I am consider throwing caution and self-doubt to the wind and starting something here. Writing ideas or excerpts in my head out, stream of conscious style, as an effort to organize my thoughts on the matter. Kind of think of it as being inside the writing process. well, er, mine at least.

Hold on. You might be in for a bumpy ride.

And in reading. Be gentle. But honest.


Monday, August 29, 2005

Netgear wireless access point....success!

So I told you about the Netgear WXGB102 wireless access point that just plugs into the wall. Well, as I was looking at stuff on it this weekend, I noticed Best Buy had it on sale. It can be had for around $120 in most places. Best Buy, in their typical fashion, had it retailing for $150, but had it on sale with $70 in mail-in rebates. So I went and snatched one up. After rebates it will only cost me $80. And this is how hard it was to get it to work...

Plugged a CAT cable into the base device. Plugged it into router, then plugged into wall. Walked to another room on the other side of the house. Plugged in the remote unit into a wall socket. Waited about 30 seconds. Then I had a wireless signal for my tablet pc.

Whew! That was tough! LOL...

Now I did notice that I am getting about 48mbps throughput with the Netgear access point instead of 54mbps near the main router, but still, that is more than fast enough for web surfing or transferring files from one PC to another.

All in all, great success! Go down to your local Best buy and grab one before the mail-in rebates expire (9/3/05).


Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sage - a great blog/newsfeed Firefox companion

Man, I must be in a really big blogging mood today (that or I am desperately trying to avoid doing any work around the house). A buddy of mine hipped me to a great Firefox extension called Sage. I hadn't really used it much, but am really discovering how cool a tool it is and how easy it is now to keep up with my favorite newsfeeds and friends' blog sites. The extension opens up a sidebar where you can keep a listing of your favorite newsfeeds. Click on one and the latest feeds from that site display in the main screen. Some nice features include not having to know the RSS/atom URL. Just click the magnifying glass "find feed" button and it automatically searches the website for any valid newsfeeds. You can also click a button to refresh your lists, and it will highlight all your newsfeeds with new posts since your last visit. Saves a whole lot of time going to all of them, or keeping them all on a google page but trying to remember what is new and what is old. Sorry, Jay. The Google thing was cool and all, but I think this is an easier and more elegant solution to our "keeping up with the Jones" problem! LOL


Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper

I know ya'll know about my beliefs about my faith. And I am sure ya'll have heard me mention Promise Keepers (PK for short) before as well. Well, the whole Promise Keepers movement is based on the following Seven Promises:

  1. A Promise Keeper is committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  2. A Promise Keeper is committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.

  3. A Promise Keeper is committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.

  4. A Promise Keeper is committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection, and biblical values.

  5. A Promise Keeper is committed to supporting the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and resources.

  6. A Promise Keeper is committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

  7. A Promise Keeper is committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment (see Mark 12:30-31) and the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19-20).
I know most aren’t interested or care about this, but this is what I am referring to when you hear me talking about being a Man of Integrity, and what the foundation is of this PK thing I am all gung ho about. (Plus I wanted easy access to it on my blog since my memory is like a sieve…LOL)


Netgear wireless access point... this looks cool!

My wireless stuff just does NOT have good range in my house, and though I do already have an access point I could use at home, I loathe the idea of running CAT cable under the floor and through/up the wall to a central location in the house. However, as I was surfing (as I am wont to do), I came across this from Netgear. One piece plugs into the router and then into a nearby wall outlet. Then you simply plug the second piece into any wall socket in the home. The wireless signal is sent through the wall outlets to each other. No need to run CAT cable! Now, they do say you don't quite get the 54mbps speed due to a little loss of signal through the wall outlets, but if you just need to spread your wireless signal better through the house for surfing or sharing files, this could be awesome! Has anyone ever seen them in use, or know anything about them? I know some of my PC/networking/wireless guru geeks out there will have an opinion, and I would love to hear it.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Great Xbox360 video!

Everyone... quick... go over to Gamespy and download one of the videos of the Xbox360 Xbox Live demonstration from the conference in Germany! Yeah, the text on the screens are in German, but the demo is being done by MS reps and is in English... Oh man.... I just saw NEON on a 30 foot screen in the video....sweet! Bliss! Pure, trippy, psychedelic bliss!

November.... November... go to my Happy Place.... go to my Happy Place....


Argh... Fed Ex!!!!!!!!!! Don't tease me!

So as you know, I got my FlexDock (no, not my Bowflex, you fitness crazed people.. and you know who you are!) the other day for my Tablet PC, and am loving it. I was supposed to get my extra battery and bluetooth keyboard designed for my Tablet today. Remember how I said they were coming from California and the FlexDock came from China, but it got here first? Well, even though my other stuff was to be delivered today, here it is almost 6:00 pm and it ain't here yet. So of course since this is Friday, I won't get it til Monday. Fed Ex why do you tease me so! Tracking has had it in the state since 6:59 am this morning, but the couldn't get it 3 hours down the road TODAY. Bums.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

I hate Thursdays...

So here it is, 8:00 pm. On Thursdays I see patients from 8:00 am til 8:00 pm. Except since I am too busy to book out time for paperwork, I have to do that in off hours. So I have actually been here since 7:00 am. I know I don't get sympathy from some of you folks who have to do 12 hour shifts and such, and my job clearly is not physically draining, but let me tell you. This job can be amazingly emotionally and mentally draining. Nothing like hearing people's pain and frustration and sadness and depression and whatever-else-you-can-think-of for 12 hours to wear you down. I am just glad I am a guy and good at that whole "compartmentalization" thing, where I can leave it here and not drag it home. Sorry. Just had to vent.

Speaking of home. I am going there now.


Anybody know where I can find one of these?!

OK. So I have lots of testing software for the evaluations that I do on my patients. Most of it is in CD format, though some (like some key disks) are 3.5" floppies. Companies like Fellowes and Kensington used to make media storage containers designed for both CD's and floppies together. Since CD's and flash media are becoming ubiquitous and floppies are starting to go the way of the dinosaur, nobody seems to make them any more. Does anyone know where I can find one? I have even looked at Ebay to no avail...

Thanks ya'll!


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Fun with Blogger hacks!

I am really digging playing around with blogger, figuring out how to customize the theme and such. I knew there were add-ons, but I have recently discovered hacks! Basically customizing the CSS/HTML code to tweak the blogging features.

I have already added two. I will let you explore the place and see if you can find them. I really like them and plan to add more. Oh, right. In my SPARE time... Anyway, ya'll should check them out... I am off to google around for some more hacks before my next patient in, oh, two minutes...


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Um...we were just wrestling!

OK. After the earlier post about blogs and faith and trying to stay on the straight and narrow, I am going to try to keep this as G Rated as I can. However, this is one of those bloggable moments that any of you with growing children will eventually encounter... one night last week Kelly and I get the boys to bed, and we start chatting and get, um, amorous and all...things are going along just fine (if I do say so myself) and we are settling into quite the extended session of uneven-bars-floor-exercise-vault-mattress-play...

You see what's about to happen don't you?

As were are in a somewhat compromising position on the bed, our nine year old Connor opens the door! Partly in surprise and partly in admitted anger that, um, certain rhythms had gotten interrupted, I spoke loudly to Connor to get back to bed. He says, in a most sheepish tone, "Oh, uh, sorry. Sorry." And starts to close the door. I get up (luckily the lights are very dim so it is difficult to see so he didn't actually see anything, though my beached whale skin does tend to glow in the dark) and walk to the door as he is heading back to bed. I say, "Connor I will be there in a minute!" (Well, not just a minute really... it is just a figure of speech)

Kelly and I start giggling about this - we had been saying how it was only a matter of time before this happened since our boys were getting older - but troopers that we are, we completed the gymnastics routine with, oh, I would say at least a 9.775. Except for that Russian judge... he always gives low marks. Go figure. Anyway, we recover from the rigorous exercise, and I throw on my gym shorts and go to Connor's room. Turns out he has a tummy ache. I talk to him for a bit seeing if he needs or wants anything, and he just asks for a glass of water. He then says, "Dad, sorry I interrupted your's and mom's "thing" (using the double-handed-two-finger move for a quote as he said it) a while ago." I kind of shrugged it off, saying, "Oh Connor, it was no big deal bud. Me and mom were just goofing and wrestling around on the bed."

Did he buy it? He sure seemed to - he is a relatively sweet innocent little guy. However, this weekend I think I need to go buy some wrestling tights just in case.


I love new toys....

So Motion Computing, the makers of my wonderful Tablet PC, put some of the accessories for my model on sale, since they just released two new Tablet models. So I promptly ordered a FlexDock, extra battery, and bluetooth keyboard designed for my Tablet. Evidently the keyboard and battery are being shipped from California and the Flexdock from China. I get the Flexdock first. Go figure.

This thing is great! All my power and peripherals plug into the dock instead of my tablet. So instead of plugging and unplugging everything multiple times per day, all I have to do is slide the tablet into the dock and it automatically connects to my power supply and peripherals. It even adds an extra USB port on the front of the dock.

But here's my favorite feature. Those of you who know Tablet PC's know you can use them in portrait or landscape orientation. Though I typically use mine in portrait mode, there are times when I need landscape. And pressing a button to "scroll" through all four orientations (90, 180, 270, 360 degrees) to get the orientation I want is a pain. With the Flexdock, all I do is rotate the screen on its bevel thingie, and it automatically changes the screen orientation!

Yeah, a lot of you people go, "So what?" But those tech geeks out there (and I know who you are) are loving this and wondering why YOU don't have one!

I don't have my camera with me, but I will wait until the wireless keyboard comes in and take pictures of both together. See ya then. Back to work. Got patients to see.


Blogging dilemma... putting my faith where my fingertips are...

So here I am blogging again... wow... amazing that I have done it what? two days in a row now? I have been enjoying trying to figure out how to customize it a bit... probably spending more time... no... I KNOW spending more time on it than I should.

Here's the dilemma though: my interest in blogging got rekindled when a bunch of my XBox Live gaming buddies (most of whom I have known since the beta days, what.. 3 years ago already?) decided to start posting and linking their blog addresses. So I have been in the process of going through all of them and adding them. But... some of the content on some the other sites makes me a bit uncomfortable, especially given my own personal Christian beliefs and personal "fleshly" weaknesses which I consciously try to avoid. I have family that pops by here, as well as possibly other friends from other circles of life. The last thing I want to do is be a negative witness to others or damage my own integrity by ignoring my faith and my conscience and convictions to avoid those things. I know my weaknesses and know where I fail if given the chance. All my mind needs is a "foot in the door" and the search for "more" will be on. The lessening of my standards will begin AGAIN. I have to fight and scratch twice as hard to get them back every time. It is just exhausting.

Ya'll have to understand that trying to walk the Christian walk in today's world is TOUGH, and I have to make conscious efforts to avoid things that I know make me fall. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14... "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." In other words, it is a whole lot easier to mess up your Christian walk than it is to stay on track. So sometimes you step on a few toes when you do in your efforts. As such, there were some that I simply did not feel comfortable listing just now given some of the content. You may feel I am being a prude and stickler or whatever, but I gotta go with my convictions. No, I am not condemning anyone. Each man in this world has their own decisions to make, and it is not my place or desire to judge them, since I have so many weaknesses myself - I am in no way blameless in this world. That is hypocritical and definitely not a Christian way of thinking (though way too many Christians today ARE too judgmental).

Hope ya'll will understand why I did this, and why I had to talk about it here. Heck, for all I know, my discussion here (and what will be a theme of this blog - my faith) will likely turn some of my friends off and they'll remove me from their links list. I respect and understand this. If any of you need to contact me about this more... you know where to find me.


My Christian "Mantra"... Colossians 3:2... Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Everybody needs a fresh start...

Well, I started my days with Blogger... then switched over to MSN Spaces because it has a few extra features. But it just doesn't have enough storage space. So here is the beginning. I am going to transfer all my old posts there (to be honest there weren't many) to this place to keep it up to date.

Now I also thought about switching to the old McKay Wildlife Preserve theme I had before since most of it was about my three boys. But really, my posting tendencies are becoming much more varied than just them. Really, this place is MY place to vent and share my feelings and thoughts, since I spend most of my days providing that to others who walk through my office. So welcome to the place, but it's My Turn to be on the Couch!


Promise Keepers 2005...The Awakening

So this year I had to trek up to Nashville for Promise Keepers. Six hour drive, but hey, I was used to that when I lived in Bismarck and had to drive to St. Paul, MN for the nearest event. It was in Atlanta last year, and will be next year. But this year Hotlanta got skipped and the nearest were in Nashville and Mobile, AL. It is virtually the same distance to each, but I found out that Steven Curtis Chapman was doing the concert in Nashville, so that settled it. Promise Keepers (and men's ministry in general) has been a passion of mine since my first PK event four years ago. I was able to wrangle up 17 other guys to go with me this year from my church, and it turned out to be a great event!

Now, if you don't know what Promise Keepers is, it is an organization started by former University of Colorado football coach, Bill McCartney, as he saw a dire need in our country for Christian men to become more involved and connected with each other. These events are filled with worship music, wonderful speakers on all kinds of aspects of issues important to the struggles of Christian men in this unfortunately increasing secular culture, drama, comedy, and just general "guys being guys." But because it is men only, there is no pretense, no trying to be macho to protect your image (since everyone there admits having the same struggles you do), no "men are strong and don't show emotion" stuff. It is honest talk and exploration about what we Christian men struggle with to "stay the narrow path" and overcome pronography, infidelity, workaholism, ignorance of our families and our children, substance abuse, anger, and so on. But since it is men talking to men about being men, let's just say that things are informal and lively and at times hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, Christian comedian Brad Stine performs at all events now (well, for the last two years) and, if you have never heard the guy, he is amazing. I have never seen a man so intricately weave comedy, evangelism, and social commentary with such agility!

I know many popping through here may not be excited about something like this, but it is an amazing ministry that has personally touched me and helped me re-focus my life on what is important. I gotta tell you, there is almost nothing as emotional and awe-inspiring as being in an arena like this and hearing 15,000 men singling "Holy, Holy, Holy" acapella!

If you want to know more, you can always email me... or join me in Atlanta on July 21-22 2006! *hint hint*


Yet another month has flown by...

I just don't get it. Am I the only one in the time-flies-faster-than-Tom-and-Katie's-courtship time warp? I guess when you're dealing with your own business, 3 VERY ACTIVE boys, becoming more involved in church activities and organizing our Promise Keepers trip, time just skips by (and blogging drops WAY LOW on the priority list)...

Some recent and upcoming things.... So we fenced in the back yard a couple of months ago so the boys could play unattended (especially Mitch and the pups), but nobody was playing in the back yard.... Hmmm... I wonder why? BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE BACK YARD TO PLAY WITH. So we decided to add a bit to the debt (why would you want to start crawling out of that hole NOW? LOL...) and get the boys a nice play set. Professionally constructed out of redwood, with two swings, a glider, slide, club house, and deck on top... Was done on Monday. I will get pics soon and post a few. Needless to say the boys are excited. LOL...

Tomorrow night I am taking Connor, Luke, and my sister page to a DCI ( drum and bugle competition. Haven't been to one in years (well, kinda hard to when they never came to North Dakota!), and since Connor has started drum lessons I figured he'd love it. We are ALL excited to go, and I can't wait to suck my two older boys into the "shock and awe" of a field full of brass and drums blowing our faces off with a wall of sound! Will post their reactions afterward...

Upcoming goodies for daddy... My annual River Trip with my dad and our buddies as well as my annual trek to a Promise Keepers event is coming up in August. Though we usually do the Chattahoochee down to the gulf and back, this year we're gonna do the Tennessee-Tom Bigbee River in, um, Tennessee (duh!). Whereas the 'Hooch is littered with sand bars all the way to the gulf - great places to stop and eat and relax - the Tom is huge and WIDE. No sand bars to stop at there.... I guess whenever we want to stop, we'll just all tie-off together a'la Jaws 2 and have a floating barge of sorts. I can't wait. One of the things I am most looking forward to is seeing my cousin Scott. We only get to see each other about 1-2 times per year, and this is one of them. Great guy. Just wish our families got to see each other more...

Then there's Promise Keepers! Started going I think 5 years ago, and wouldn't miss it for the world now. I need a good spiritual recharge every now and then, and this is it! Where else can you be in a sporting arena with 15,000 other men praising God and learning how to become better and more faithful fathers, husbands, and mentors!? I think this is gonna be our best trip yet! So far I have 18 other guys on board to go with me, and the event is not til mid-August. Hope to fill up a bus by then! Men are supposed to be the spiritual leaders of the household, but unfortunately we are usually the ones dragged kicking and screaming. I hope this event does some miraculous things in the lives of these men (and me)!

Well, better get back to work. It never ends. LOL...

Oh, speaking of work... the practice is really growing and I HAVE to hire a colleague... This is a scary step for us since we have never done anything like this! The ad will be in the July/August edition of the psychologist's trade magazine. Please keep us in your prayers that we will find exactly who we need (and God wants to be here) quickly, and the transition occurs smoothly!

Until next time (which hopefully will be sooner than later)....