Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sorry it has been so dead here...

...but to be honest, other things have taken priority.

Though there have been plenty of things to blog about...plenty of things I have said, "I REALLY need to throw that up on The Couch..."... time has just not allowed it. My practice continues to get busier and busier, though for some dyslexic, parallel world type reason I keep getting further and further in debt. Don't even ask me about tax season. My goal is simply to avoid White Collar prison this go'round...

Also, I have taken on more responsibilities in my passion for men's ministry. As a bunch of you know, I am a big Promise Keepers guy. This year I have committed to volunteering as a PK Ambassador - basically a liaison between PK and my community. I have been hard at work trying to coordinate area churches to be more united and serving in terms of men's ministry and discipleship issues. As part of that, I have been trying to put together a website - - as an area resource. It is pretty bare at this point, but considering my lack of web design savvy, it has taken a while. So any web work I have done lately has gone there.

Now summer comes, which should give me more bloggable material with the boys... but also will be a more hectic time for me since Kelly is at home all summer with the boys and not able to help out at the office as much.

So we'll see what happens.

A friend of mine told me that posting about why I hadn't been posting was a legitimate post.

So here ya go.

Word to ya, Bink. ;-)


Mike said...

pls consider adding this to your blog roll:
