Saturday, July 07, 2007

I've gone widget happy!


I finally took the plunge and updated my blog to the new Blogger template format (formally known as Blogger Beta)... First let me say, that when they say you will lose all your former formatting, they ain't just whistlin' Dixie! It was quite the pain in the butt to recreate the color scheme and layout I had previously, especially since the html coding looks quite different in the new xml/widget format than the old straight html format. Spent most of my free time yesterday recreating it. There are some bugs still in the process of updating it with the new widgets (i.e., some give you errors when you try to update them or edit them, but you can't delete them or they duplicate on the page). I finally had to create a secondary blog and transfer stuff back and forth to get it right.

But once I finally got it done, I am getting widget happy! Blogger only has a few Blogger widgets that they offer, but the cool thing is you can make all your own or copy from other types of widgets! The only ones on this page so far that are actually Blogger widgets are the Blog Archive and the Newsfeed at the bottom of the page. All the others are just HTML/javascript code added as widgets, or widgets for other applications that you can add as custom HTML widgets - the LaGrange Weather and Calvin and Hobbes widgets actually are copied over from All in all, widgets are just cool for folks like me who have very little coding knowledge. Ever since I discovered them, I have been surfing for new cool ones to add to the blog - stayed up til almost 2 am perusing the 'net last night...LOL... One thing I can see, though, is that I am gonna have to be careful that I don't make this place look all junky with too many widgets!

Got a favorite widget you can't live without? Lemme hear about it!