Friday, April 18, 2008

Treadmill? Nah! I'll take the 300 thread count sheets!

(Taken from this article at

To all my friends who do the biking thing... jogging... lift weights... aerobics... Tae Bo...whatever.

I'll take sex over them all!

I found this article very intriguing. It seems that scientific research has repeatedly confirmed that "good sex in a healthy, stable, monogamous relationship can only better our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being." (their quote, my emphasis...)

Here are the benefits that the article mentions:

  • Weight loss and weight control. Forget torturing yourself with the latest fad diet or hours on the elliptical machine when you can burn about 200 calories in 30 minutes of sex! Lovemaking lends itself to improved strength, flexibility, muscle tone, and cardiovascular conditioning. Plus, there’s something super sexy about getting to sleep with your very own “personal trainer.”
  • Pain management. Forgo popping a pain killer and opt for something a bit more “au naturel.” Sex has been shown to offer migraine and menstrual cramp relief, as well as alleviate chronic back pain thanks to the endorphins and corticosteroids released during sexual arousal and orgasm.
  • Stress relief. Sex impacts the way we respond to stress, increasing levels of oxytocin and stimulating feelings of warmth and relaxation. What better way to unwind from a tough day than sharing its most climactic moment with your special someone?
  • Immune booster. Stop spending late nights at the office. Sex wards off colds and the flu. And sexually active people take fewer sick days, giving the phrase “working late” an entirely new meaning. Bosses, take note.
  • Better heart health. A little bit of heart and soul in the sack should be part of every doctor’s orders when it comes to cardiovascular care. Sex may help lower cholesterol and the risk of heart attack.
  • Increased self-esteem and intimacy. When sex is consistent and involves mutual pleasure, it can increase bonding since the surge in oxytocin at orgasm stimulates feelings of affection, intimacy, and closeness. When spiritual in nature, sex can lead to an even better quality of life and stronger relationship. Is it any wonder that good sexual energy in a positive relationship can make you feel better about yourself, your partner, and life in general?
  • Sleep enhancement. There’s no need to count sheep when sex helps insomnia. Plus, making love sure beats tossing and turning your way to zzzz’s.
  • A better, younger looking you. Sex keeps you looking and feeling younger and, according to some research, may lead to shiny hair, a glowing complexion and bright eyes. This is because it increases the youth-promoting hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrostone). And feeling more attractive charges your sex life even more.
  • Mood lifter. Sex releases pleasure-inducing endorphins during arousal and climax that can relieve depression and anxiety, and increase vibrancy.
  • Longevity. There is a significant relationship between frequency of orgasm and risk of death, especially with men. Men who orgasm two times a week have a 50 percent lower chance of mortality than those who climax one time per month. The bonus: Living longer also gives you and your honey the opportunity for even more lovin’!
  • Decreased risk of breast cancer. One study of women who had never given birth found that an increased frequency of sexual intercourse was correlated with a decrease in the incidence of breast cancer.
  • Reproductive health benefits. According to at least one study, sex appears to decrease a man’s risk of prostate cancer, and the prevention of endometriosis in women. It also promotes fertility in women by regulating menstrual patterns.
So the moral of the story is: forget paying the monthly gym fee. But I find it interesting that the research seems to show these benefits only healthy, stable, and monogamous relationships. Personally, I feel it is God's way of telling us that his gift of sex to us was meant for marriage, and that if we honor that, he throws all kinds of bonuses our way! Integrity and commitment DO get rewards in this world after all, even if people don't want to listen!