Monday, February 13, 2006

Some aesthetic changes...wanna help?

So as any of you who frequent the place (that'd be about three of you I think, LOL...) will notice, changed the look a bit. I had gotten to where I was not happy with the graphics of the old design, so tried to go with something a little less STARK than what I had before. Still, it doesn't have that "inviting" feel to it. It doesn't make you feel all relaxed when you walk in, ya know? LOL

Anybody got any ideas what to do to make it look better? I would love to have a subtle, faded image of a couch behind the header graphic, but two things have prevented this so far:

1) I haven't found a good pic yet, and
2) I suck at Paintshop image manipulation.

I don't know. There just needs to be...more...ya know?

Any ideas people? Comment here or, well, you know where to find me....


Mister Bones said...

I like the new look, but then I liked to old look too. I'm no help, sorry. I have Frozin to thank for the look of the Batcave, I have no idea how to do that stuff.

Kojubat said...

I much preferred the design before this black-background one.

There were less jaggies in the banner, too. How am I supposed to read your site in high definition widescreen? ;)

Headgamer said...

I don't know, I prefer this one I think. I wasn't happy with the brown colored background. I have always preferred black backgrounds to white - seems easier on my eyes (sensitive to light), plus the graphics and color scheme remind me a bit of Frank Lloyd Wright... excellent architect. I do see what you mean about the jaggies though. I wonder if that would look better if I saved them in jpeg format instead of gif...

Headgamer said...

EDIT: I just tried it in jpeg format. Now the graphic (especially text) was kind of blurry, but STILL jaggy. Oh well... It's just the nature of the vector style graphic.

Oh, and what may look like jaggies on the text is actually the font itself - Papyrus - supposed to look like old script really... with rough edges.

Oh well. I'm done messing with it for a while.

Until I get bored with this one. LOL

I'll still take suggestions.

Kojubat said...

Weird. I find light colored backgrounds with dark text easier to read, and dark backgrounds a little harder on my eyes.

Must be from all the books. ;)

In any case, the text looks fine in the banner. The only jaggies I see are in the thin yellow arcs. It's not really a big deal, just something I noticed. The previous graphics you've used have just looked more polished.

In any case, it's your site. Do what you wanna.