Monday, October 10, 2005

Do NOT try this at home!

So my Sunday school class has our monthly social gathering last night. We try to have a different theme each time, and last night's was a home made chili and ice cream "cook off." I am proud to say that Kel's chili came in second place, and her ice cream won first prize!

But never, I mean NEVER, do this all in one night....There were 9 different chili recipe's to sample, and three different home made ice cream flavors. Being the good and dutiful judge, I sample ALL NINE types of chili, two of them twice. I then proceeded to sample only one of the type of ice cream (Kel's... the other two were kinds I knew I did not like)... but I had two full bowls of hers - chocolate ice cream, with like multiple chunks of chocolate and cocoa melted into it, as well as Reese's Fast Break candy bars, with peanut butter cookie dough chunks mixed in...made with eight eggs, whipping cream, and so on... can you say heart-attack-in-a-bowl? I thought you could...

Needless to say, the rest of my evening last night was not pleasant. I have not felt that crappy in I-don't-know-how-long... One of those times where you wish you could just, um, regurgitate the entire contents of your stomach and get rid of the evil that lurks inside your belly... but can't. I mean, doubled over, writhing in pain stomach ache... but doubling over put more pressure on your stomach, hurting more... then you had to stretch out to ease the pain a bit, but then end up doubled over again? Yeah. That kind of stomach ache. Half bottles of Tums and Pepto Bismol later, I am at least able to move this morning...SLOWLY. I have no idea how I am gonna make it through today seeing patients all day. At least I get to sit on my butt all day. But it is like I am moving in slow motion this morning... if I take a step too fast, the nausea comes rushing back! Yuck!

Just say no to chili/ice cream cook off's in the same evening. You'll thank me for it later.


LSG said...

Are you sure chili and ice cream are the only things you had? LOL

Headgamer said...

YOU try eating 9 different types of chili (some of them twice) and see how YOU feel afterwards! LOL

Silver said...

Sounds like the chili was pretty good then. lol

k o w said...

I should buy stock in Pepto. Love the stuff.