Friday, September 30, 2005

Hitchhiker's Guide to Crap

Ok. So I have seen the previews for the HHGG movie, and thought it looked funny. Since it is now out on DVD I thought I would give it a rent. But before I did, I wanted to read the book. Yes, even though I loved that kind of stuff when I was a kid/teen, I never read anything from the HHGG series. So I, um, "searched" around on the internet for an ebook version I could download to my PDA. I just finished reading it, and I can say is...


What a complete and total waste of several hours of my life!

HHGG had to be the most tedious, boring, unfunny, extremely poorly written, inane, disjointed, incomplete drivel I think I have ever read!

Go on, flame me. This book was so bad that I don't care how you try to convince me otherwise. It ain't happening. It started interestingly, with things left unsaid and potential character development and plot issues left enticingly undeveloped to pull you into the book. But it stayed there. You followed these guys along for the whole book, with things thrown out there for you to think, "Wow I wonder where that is going to go?" But then Douglas Adams never went back and did anything with it. It's like it was his own personal joke to throw people setups with no punch lines or follow-through. He just leaves them hanging out there. I can understand the abrupt ending since it was a series. But there were abrupt endings and dead ends throughout this waste of paper and pixels.

Wow. I am just floored that this book has such a following. No. I take that back. I am floored who this endless string of words has such a fan following. I cannot in good conscious actually call HHGG a "book." I feel that term is reserved for pieces of literature that have adequate plot, character development, and correct sentence structure and grammar. HHGG had none of that.

The one good thing is now I know I will be saving valuable hours of my life by not reading any more of this series.


CatSpit said...

Dry british comedy is usually a love it or hate it thing. I take that back. Love it, hate it, or completely miss the point. You're a smart feller mate, so I know it's just that you hated it, to which I can only say shame. Sometimes when we read something with a collosal following you just don't get what you're expecting. I hope your next read goes better!

CatSpit said...

wait - are you doing a Keg? if so I'm about to mail you some rotten herring.

Headgamer said...

Hey, I love British comedy. Most of my family looks at me kind of funny when I do, but dry humor is some of the best there is.

I seriously just did not like the book. I picked up on the dry sense of humor throughout, I just did not find it funny. I think what put me off the most was how poorly it was written from a mechanics point of view. The way Adams writes just creates a disjointed thought process, and you spend a lot of time trying to keep up with where he is going, losing the point of the plot at times (several times). Authors shouldn't try to write so "cleverly" that they alienate their readers.

But hey, that's just me.

Think I am gonna go watch some AbFab, Fawlty Towers, or Monty Python...LOL

LSG said...

HG, you weren't the only one. I didn't like it either. Just cannot fathom what is so great about it.

BTW.. What the hell does 'DRY' actually mean? If it means it won't produce a laugh, then you have it. Because HHGG didn't give me even one. I read most of it going "Huh?"

Very odd book.

k o w said...

I can't believe what I'm reading. Douglas Adams work is awesome.

Melvin "eM" Arroyo said...

Headgamer you did waste your time even if you liked it for the moment. I watched it while i was in Iraq and loved the movie. I'm a Detard tho. But a friend who watched it with me said its a compilation of several books, so you would h ave to read a few of them.

Headgamer said...

Nope. Think I will rent and watch the movie for kicks (gotta love Sam Rockwell... that guy makes me laugh in every one of his movies I have seen... I bet he rocks as Zaphod Beeblebrox). But there is no way Keg or Andy or anyone else is gonna convince me to read any more Douglas Adams.

Machinistscott said...

Have you seen "Brazil". It's good british fun. Deniro makes a cameo.