Ticket to a Truck...
So some of ya'll know about the accident I was in on Sunday coming home from church... but for those who don't here ya go:
Connor, Luke, and I were headed home from church in my white 1997 Toyota RAV4 down a two-lane road - no turning lane. Kelly and Mitch were in the van right in front of us. A car two cars ahead of Kelly decided to stop abruptly to turn left. Since there was oncoming traffic, it couldn't turn immediately so we all had to stop abruptly ourselves to avoid any accident. Granted, no squealing tires stuff or anything, but that quick braking where you can feel the car kind of lurching forward. Everybody stopped just fine. Except for Mr. Domino's Delivery Guy in the - ironically - green 1997 Toyota RAV4. He, instead, decided to slam on his brakes at the last second and slam into me. You can tell that he tried to swerve into oncoming traffic due to the fact that he hit me in the rear driver side with his front passenger side. Seriously, I am glad my car was there to stop him. Otherwise, there would have been a head on collision either right next to me or right next to Kelly.
Luckily we all had our seatbelts on. I slammed my head into the padded section of the steering wheel where the airbag is stored, so had a headache the rest of the day. Connor and Luke both said their heads hurt a bit, though not due to hitting anything - just from the jolt. We are
all fine, and even though the guy who hit me was taken to the hospital for neck pain, he is fine too (sore and airbag burns, but otherwise fine).
Can you say totaled?
I thought you could. My cousin who towed it for me guessed it was around $5,000 to $6,000 worth of work. The collision guy who Mr. Domino's insurance company had it sent to today said, and I quote, "(Laughingly) I started to work up an estimate on repair, but I stopped at around $8,000.00. I am pretty sure she's a goner."
So here I sit, totaled car in the lot, just waiting for the adjustor to do his work so I can get a check, then go shopping for a new truck (which I have been wanting for a couple of years). Hold the phone, though. I lose a car that, while 8 years old, was in good shape (with mild recent hail damage), had only around 75,000 miles on it, and was completely paid for. I gain a new truck I want with the options I skimped on in the last car, plus a $500 a month car payment.
Am I supposed to be happy about this? I haven't decided yet.
Gaining a car payment because of someone elses goofaw is just terrible.
I agree with KoW. Buy used!
I could go used. But I have always said my next vehicle was going to be new. Kelly's van was used when we bought it, and I skimped on features so much on my RAV4 when I bought it that it was like buying a used car. I want a nice new truck with the features I want, because if I get used now, it will be another 7-8 years before I get a new vehicle. Sucks, but I am going to bite the bullet on this one.
Ouch. That sucks. Glad to hear that everyone is OK. Too bad about the car though. With a $500 a month car payment, the truck should come with another car in the bed as a backup.
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