Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Leviathan resurfaces....

...or whatever.

I have been called worse for sure.

I have been informed by friends that they are sick of looking at my pumpkins, which I really feel is too personal of a comment, but anyway. ..I am going to try and get back to the blog and add a bit here and there. So I have a few things in my head to add, and though I really should be working right now, I am gonna throw them up real quick.

Thanks for the push Bones.


Mister Bones said...

Too personal? I thought we'd reached that point in our friendship where we could openly talk about our respective pumpkins.

Ah well, now that I've been set straight, glad you're blogging again. Don't work so hard!

Headgamer said...


Don't work too hard! BWAHAHAHA! You're just too funny! That's why I like to keep you around! LOL...

Thanks for the thought though...