Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Day 3...Exodus 20:12

"Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."

Notes from the devotional:

  • Do the things I say and do honor my parents?
  • No matter how right I think I am, God always calls me to honor my mom and dad.
My notes:
  • I have the utmost respect for my dad but have always had a bit of annoyance and tension with my mother. Probably because we are just alike. I have always cut dad slack when he was doing things that were wrong, but have always amplified to my mother when she did things wrong. That was unfair to her.
  • I still hold grudges with my parents, mostly my mother, on how they raised us and some of the decisions they made about which children they chose to be involved with (or not). That was not and is not showing honor of my parents. I need to let that stuff go.
Personal challenge:
  • Think about your relationship with your parents. In what ways do you show honor and respect? In what ways might you have to improve?
  • Ask God to show you practical ways to show honor to your parents.

~~from Men of Integrity: A Daily Guide to the Bible and Prayer (1999)~~