Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Michael Yon Online...

Well, this is long overdue...

I have heard of Michael Yon for months. He is a freelance journalist/blogger who is embedded with US Forces. For the left-leaning folks out there, he is not your typical mainstream liberal media always down on the war. The mass media political Left is so anti-war that it almost seems as if they want to undermine our troops even when there are signs the troop surge is actually working. There was even a Democratic congressman from either North or South Carolina that was asked about the latest reports from journalists that the troop surge is having positive effects. When asked what affect this would have, he literally said "it would be bad for us [the Democratic Party]." How can anyone root for the troops to lose?!

Anyway, Michael's blog gives what I think is a more down-to-the-minute, on-the-ground view of what is going on over there rather than what we have been used to - mainstream media agenda and bias - and I think is a good read. Though I have known about it for sometime, I have only just started to read it. Definitely an interesting read. You all oughta check it out... both the lefties and righties... interesting stuff!