Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Roz Savage...is this woman nuts or amazing!?

So just how absolutely amazingly freaking cool is this woman! First, she rows SOLO across the ATLANTIC OCEAN. Over 3,000 miles and 103 days at sea later, she made it.

Below is a quote straight from her website:

It was the year 2000, I was 33 years old, and I seemed to have the perfect life. I had a job, a husband, a home, a little red sports car.

In theory, I should have been happy.

Fast forward to March 2006. I am 38, divorced, homeless, and alone in a tiny rowing boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. My last hot meal was two months ago, before my camping stove broke. My stereo is bust. I’ve had no human contact since my satellite phone stopped working several weeks ago. All four of my oars are broken and I’ve had to patch them up with duct tape and makeshift splints. I have tendonitis in my shoulders and saltwater sores on my backside.

I have battled twenty-foot waves, sleep deprivation, self-doubt and depression. But I have never been happier.

They said I was crazy. They said I wasn’t big enough, not tall enough, not strong enough.

But at last, after three thousand miles and 103 days at sea, I am about to accomplish my goal. I am proving that anybody can achieve the extraordinary, if only they have enough guts and determination and sheer bloody-mindedness to see it through.

I am realizing my dream, one stroke at a time.
Oh, and by the way... yesterday, she started a new venture.... rowing across the Pacific Ocean! Can you believe this? And the cool thing is, she seems to be a techie as well. She blogs daily from her boat, the Brocade, has podcasts, and so on! It is really an interesting read, you shoudl check it out...