Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Motorcycles accidents, God, and prayer...

Hey guys, sometimes you just have to sit back and watch what God can do. As some of y'all know, I am very involved in Promise Keepers, a Christian men's evangelistic and discipleship movement. For the last year I have become a volunteer for PK as an Ambassador, and have met some absolutely fantastic men of God. though I took a bunch of guys to the PK even in Mobile, AL, back in June, a bunch of my fellow Georgia PK guys went to the Columbia, SC, event last weekend. Monday night I got an email from Hal Taylor, our Eastern PK Ambassador representative who i have had the pleasure to meet on a couple of occasions. Below is the first email I received:

I want to thank you guys for being men of prayer. We need you tonight!!! While coming home from the Columbia event 4 of our ambassadors who arrived on motorcycles we struck by a car and 2 of them are in critical condition. We need you guys to start praying right away!

Mike and Bob please get this news out to the ambassadors in the Mid and Western US for us!

I will be driving down to Macon Ga. in the morning where they were taken for surgery. I will let you know how they are doing!

Satan never rests long after joy rocks hell like it did this weekend!!! But he is defeated and we all know it! He can’t rob our joy!!!

I have been in prayer for our guys since then, and just last night received this wonderful follow up email from Hal describing in more detail what happened and how God surrounded these men with powerful and prayerful brothers and sisters in Christ and just the right mix of people to help them in their most dire time of need....


God is great!!! This has been a story of miracles.

Our brothers hit a car going 55 miles an hour without pressing the brakes. They struck the car with 2 passengers (one who was 2 months pregnant) who were turning into their AME church for services. They hit the car so hard that it moved the car 15 feet. Both passengers were OK as well as the baby.

The congregation heard the crash and came running out to assist. In the crowd there were 3 EMT’s and a minute later a vacationing doctor from North Carolina who was “sight seeing” on the back roads of Ga. arrived on scene. All gloved up and started administering medical attention immediately. All the while the parishioners began laying on hands and praying all around them. They said they had church all over the highway.

It never ceases to amaze me how we never see race in time of crisis and emergency. Heaven watched while an African American church ministered to the souls and bodies of white men laying in the middle of an almost forgotten highway in the deep south. Angels stood to cheer as the two groups, one in shorts and the other in suits, stood arm in arm and petitioned for God’s intervention. The power of God’s healing was unleashed during the faith driven prayers of the unified brothers and sisters in Christ normally separated by race.

On August 5th, 2007 Sunday afternoon the sight that was witnessed by heaven was also witnessed by hell. God allowed the enemy to do his worst and then all of eternity watched as God’s children did their best. The Father’s greatness was being observed in an event that Satan wished for evil. God turned it and used it for His own glory!!!

The names of the men in the accident this week are

Mike Podskoc- Severely broken leg with multiple fractures and crushed heal/ other numerous injuries, he has steel rods in leg and hardware in his ankle. They are (surgeries yet needed, still in hospital) room 539

Eric Armor- Had a brain bleed that this afternoon has stopped bleeding. Other various broken bones (doctor released this evening at 6:00pm) this was a major miracle

Mike Wade- many bumps and bruises (released today)

Jay Henson- many bumps and bruises (released today)

Medical Center Of Central Georgia
777 Hemlock St
Macon, GA

I don't care what anyone says, God can use anything, no matter how seemingly dark and dangerous and scary, to glorify His name and bring people together of ANY race, nationality, background, or whatever. I just thought this was an amazing story, and just wish I had been able to be there to be part of it all. My prayers still go out to all these guys, especially Mike (who I met recently at a PK Ambassador retreat) who still sounds like he has a long road ahead of him.

If so inclined, I'd appreciate it if you included these guys in your prayers for continued healing. Thanks.