Sunday, August 05, 2007

River trip 2007 Slideshow...

River Trip 2007.... Paddle Faster, I Hear Banjos...

I'd write more, but I am tired and have reports to write for work tomorrow. Suffice it to say, it was another great trip. No bad weather at all and the only problem was the new guys running out of gas because they wouldn't listen to people telling them to fill completely up the last morning of the trip. Luckily we only had to tow them in the last mile or two. Great bunch of guys! Lots of bad jokes, old jokes, old stories, confederate and SEC college football history stories, and general good ol' Southern Redneck fun! And only about 5 or 6 alligators to deal with this year...LOL

I promise y'all... when I can afford my own boat and take my own crew, y'all (and you know who you are) will have an open invitation to partake in classic redneck river fun!

Oh, and by the way, sorry about the quality of some of the pics... they were all taken with my Treo, which ain't the best cameraphone in the world...LOL