Sunday, September 04, 2005

The idiocy and superficiality of youth

So I had someone IM me asking me when I was gonna add more to The Same Routine (though why they are interested is beyond me... something about wanting to know about the 'accident' - must be a NASCAR fan - loves watching for the 10 car pile ups... just kidding you-know-who-you-are...). I simply have so little time that I haven't had time to even begin to continue that thing. I plan to, just no time at the moment. Since I am writing it steam-of-consiciousness style, with no laid out plot outline/character development (choosing to see how it turns out doing all that on the fly), I have to sit and read over what I wrote a bit to get be back into the mindset.

Until I have time to do that, I had planned on throwing up some of my old poems I wrote in high school and college. I pulled out my old composition book with all of it in there, and was apalled at what I read... I thought this stuff was profound and good at 15... 16... 18... 20... It was embarrassing to even read most of it!

So shallow, and so superficial, and so stereotypical for adolescent pains and rantings. There were only a couple I could really even stand to read...

Maybe I will put up one of the lesser of the evils that I call my adolescent writings, but my goodness they are BAD! I warn you... read them at your own risk.