Sunday, August 21, 2005

Promise Keepers 2005...The Awakening

So this year I had to trek up to Nashville for Promise Keepers. Six hour drive, but hey, I was used to that when I lived in Bismarck and had to drive to St. Paul, MN for the nearest event. It was in Atlanta last year, and will be next year. But this year Hotlanta got skipped and the nearest were in Nashville and Mobile, AL. It is virtually the same distance to each, but I found out that Steven Curtis Chapman was doing the concert in Nashville, so that settled it. Promise Keepers (and men's ministry in general) has been a passion of mine since my first PK event four years ago. I was able to wrangle up 17 other guys to go with me this year from my church, and it turned out to be a great event!

Now, if you don't know what Promise Keepers is, it is an organization started by former University of Colorado football coach, Bill McCartney, as he saw a dire need in our country for Christian men to become more involved and connected with each other. These events are filled with worship music, wonderful speakers on all kinds of aspects of issues important to the struggles of Christian men in this unfortunately increasing secular culture, drama, comedy, and just general "guys being guys." But because it is men only, there is no pretense, no trying to be macho to protect your image (since everyone there admits having the same struggles you do), no "men are strong and don't show emotion" stuff. It is honest talk and exploration about what we Christian men struggle with to "stay the narrow path" and overcome pronography, infidelity, workaholism, ignorance of our families and our children, substance abuse, anger, and so on. But since it is men talking to men about being men, let's just say that things are informal and lively and at times hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, Christian comedian Brad Stine performs at all events now (well, for the last two years) and, if you have never heard the guy, he is amazing. I have never seen a man so intricately weave comedy, evangelism, and social commentary with such agility!

I know many popping through here may not be excited about something like this, but it is an amazing ministry that has personally touched me and helped me re-focus my life on what is important. I gotta tell you, there is almost nothing as emotional and awe-inspiring as being in an arena like this and hearing 15,000 men singling "Holy, Holy, Holy" acapella!

If you want to know more, you can always email me... or join me in Atlanta on July 21-22 2006! *hint hint*