Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sage - a great blog/newsfeed Firefox companion

Man, I must be in a really big blogging mood today (that or I am desperately trying to avoid doing any work around the house). A buddy of mine hipped me to a great Firefox extension called Sage. I hadn't really used it much, but am really discovering how cool a tool it is and how easy it is now to keep up with my favorite newsfeeds and friends' blog sites. The extension opens up a sidebar where you can keep a listing of your favorite newsfeeds. Click on one and the latest feeds from that site display in the main screen. Some nice features include not having to know the RSS/atom URL. Just click the magnifying glass "find feed" button and it automatically searches the website for any valid newsfeeds. You can also click a button to refresh your lists, and it will highlight all your newsfeeds with new posts since your last visit. Saves a whole lot of time going to all of them, or keeping them all on a google page but trying to remember what is new and what is old. Sorry, Jay. The Google thing was cool and all, but I think this is an easier and more elegant solution to our "keeping up with the Jones" problem! LOL


Frontallobe said...

haha no problem at all. That's how it works with technology. New today.. old that afternoon. :) The find a feed feature sounds amazing!

CatSpit said...

I'm converted. I used to use Bloglines, but this is way better. Thanks mate!