Tuesday, August 30, 2005

So I'm thinking about writing...

So I was over at Pete's blog, and noticed an entry about ANOTHER blog where much of it is used for writings, such as poetry, short stories, and such. I have had an idea in my head for a book for a long time - a basic framework, mind you, that's it - but have never even bothered trying to begin writing. I am much like my mother in this respect. She has a talent for writing, but poor self-esteem about her writing abilities. She has started so many books and short stories over the years, only to abandon them due to being down on herself and her ability. She has gone so far as to have "requirements" that are what are preventing her from writing. First, it was a computer. So my dad got her one. She didn't use it. Was scared of it. So then she said she just needed a good typewriter. he got her one. She didn't use it. Not until the death of her father (who also wrote a lot and bordered on genius, insane...but that is another entry another day) did she get motivated, and started writing WITH PEN AND PAD...LOL

Anyway, I am consider throwing caution and self-doubt to the wind and starting something here. Writing ideas or excerpts in my head out, stream of conscious style, as an effort to organize my thoughts on the matter. Kind of think of it as being inside the writing process. well, er, mine at least.

Hold on. You might be in for a bumpy ride.

And in reading. Be gentle. But honest.


k o w said...

I've long considered the same thing. I have a large library of short stories I've written but I too suffer from poor self esteem. While writing them they seem perfect, after reading them just the opposite. My girlfriend keeps threatening to steal them and have them published. I kinda wish she would.

I should test the waters at Fuggo with them.

LSG said...

Well, unlike the two of you, I can't write for crap. I'm lucky if I can get a thought across in an XBLF post, much less write a book. LOL

Post 'em. We will read. :)

Aaron said...

You guy's all need to remember that this blogging is the beginning of sharpening that self-esteem!

I heard it best from 'phyxie when I first started this blogging mess as well! You just remember to write what you feel, don't worry about the doubters, just focus on what you do best!

The hard parts done, you've already started blogging! Your well on your way to getting over the self-esteem issues!

Good luck and I look forward to reading more!