Sunday, August 21, 2005

Yet another month has flown by...

I just don't get it. Am I the only one in the time-flies-faster-than-Tom-and-Katie's-courtship time warp? I guess when you're dealing with your own business, 3 VERY ACTIVE boys, becoming more involved in church activities and organizing our Promise Keepers trip, time just skips by (and blogging drops WAY LOW on the priority list)...

Some recent and upcoming things.... So we fenced in the back yard a couple of months ago so the boys could play unattended (especially Mitch and the pups), but nobody was playing in the back yard.... Hmmm... I wonder why? BECAUSE THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE BACK YARD TO PLAY WITH. So we decided to add a bit to the debt (why would you want to start crawling out of that hole NOW? LOL...) and get the boys a nice play set. Professionally constructed out of redwood, with two swings, a glider, slide, club house, and deck on top... Was done on Monday. I will get pics soon and post a few. Needless to say the boys are excited. LOL...

Tomorrow night I am taking Connor, Luke, and my sister page to a DCI ( drum and bugle competition. Haven't been to one in years (well, kinda hard to when they never came to North Dakota!), and since Connor has started drum lessons I figured he'd love it. We are ALL excited to go, and I can't wait to suck my two older boys into the "shock and awe" of a field full of brass and drums blowing our faces off with a wall of sound! Will post their reactions afterward...

Upcoming goodies for daddy... My annual River Trip with my dad and our buddies as well as my annual trek to a Promise Keepers event is coming up in August. Though we usually do the Chattahoochee down to the gulf and back, this year we're gonna do the Tennessee-Tom Bigbee River in, um, Tennessee (duh!). Whereas the 'Hooch is littered with sand bars all the way to the gulf - great places to stop and eat and relax - the Tom is huge and WIDE. No sand bars to stop at there.... I guess whenever we want to stop, we'll just all tie-off together a'la Jaws 2 and have a floating barge of sorts. I can't wait. One of the things I am most looking forward to is seeing my cousin Scott. We only get to see each other about 1-2 times per year, and this is one of them. Great guy. Just wish our families got to see each other more...

Then there's Promise Keepers! Started going I think 5 years ago, and wouldn't miss it for the world now. I need a good spiritual recharge every now and then, and this is it! Where else can you be in a sporting arena with 15,000 other men praising God and learning how to become better and more faithful fathers, husbands, and mentors!? I think this is gonna be our best trip yet! So far I have 18 other guys on board to go with me, and the event is not til mid-August. Hope to fill up a bus by then! Men are supposed to be the spiritual leaders of the household, but unfortunately we are usually the ones dragged kicking and screaming. I hope this event does some miraculous things in the lives of these men (and me)!

Well, better get back to work. It never ends. LOL...

Oh, speaking of work... the practice is really growing and I HAVE to hire a colleague... This is a scary step for us since we have never done anything like this! The ad will be in the July/August edition of the psychologist's trade magazine. Please keep us in your prayers that we will find exactly who we need (and God wants to be here) quickly, and the transition occurs smoothly!

Until next time (which hopefully will be sooner than later)....